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Create a diagram for every part of your workflow. Go from sketch to automation, share documentation to keep your team aligned, and streamline business processes with AI—all in one place.

Visualize and diagram your team's most important processes, so you can easily understand and improve your business workflows.

Onboard teammates, collaborate cross-functionality, and ensure stakeholders have visibility into the flows that power your work.

Build out critical processes with your team, then identify opportunities to automate or streamline your workflows with AI-powered suggestions.

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Create a diagram for every part of your workflow. Go from sketch to automation, share documentation to keep your team aligned, and streamline business processes with AI—all in one place.

Visualize and diagram your team's most important processes, so you can easily understand and improve your business workflows.

Onboard teammates, collaborate cross-functionality, and ensure stakeholders have visibility into the flows that power your work.

Build out critical processes with your team, then identify opportunities to automate or streamline your workflows with AI-powered suggestions.

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– Cole Lander

VP of Business Operations at Chatham Oaks

woman hiking on a mountain


minus iconHow can I try Zapier Canvas?
<p>All you need is a free Zapier account to get started!</p>Try it now
minus iconHow much does Zapier Canvas cost?
<p>Currently, Canvas is free for everyone.</p>
minus iconCan I share canvases?
<p>Yes. Anyone can download a canvas as a PNG file or generate a public URL and share it with anyone else outside Zapier.</p><p>Individuals on Team and Enterprise plans can also directly share canvases and collaborate with anyone on their Zapier account.</p><p><em>Note: When sharing a canvas, you'll also need to share any related Zaps, tables, chatbots and interfaces.</em></p>
minus iconWill I lose access to my canvases or data after the beta ends?
<p>No. If you still have access to your Zapier account, your canvases and data <em>won't</em> be affected.</p>
minus iconWhere can I submit feature requests?
<p>Visit the <a href="https://canvas.zapier.app/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Zapier Canvas portal</a> to submit a feature request or report an issue.</p>
minus iconWhere can I learn more about using Zapier Canvas?
<p>You can learn more about Canvas by visiting <a href="https://canvas.zapier.app/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">canvas.zapier.app</a>.</p>Watch the overview video here
minus iconHow does Zapier Canvas differ from the Zapier Visual Editor?
<p>Canvas helps you diagram and document an entire system of business processes, including manual and automated steps with <a href="/workflows" rel="noopener noreferrer">Zaps</a>, <a href="/tables" rel="noopener noreferrer">Tables</a>, or <a href="/interfaces" rel="noopener noreferrer">Interfaces</a>.</p><p>The Visual Editor enables you to <em>build</em> automated processes (or "Zaps").</p>Learn more about the Visual Editor