
Supercharge sales with lead management automation

Ready to streamline your entire lead lifecycle? With Zapier, you can automate simple tasks and complex processes to save time, increase data accuracy, and enable better lead outreach. 

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lead management automation for sales

Seamlessly manage leads with automation

Connect apps

Zapier integrates with hundreds of CRM apps and lead-conversion tools.

Save time

Zapier users save an average of 10 hours per week, giving you more time to focus on high-value tasks.

Move faster

Speed up your lead management with a 1-minute update time on paid plans.*

*for users on Team and Company plans

Get more out of your lead management apps

Zapier supports more apps than any other automation platform, allowing you to connect the tools you use today—and tomorrow. With Zapier, you can scale lead intake (and conversion) across all your apps and teams.

Explore all apps
Lead management apps

“Zapier helps us streamline our sales outreach process across tools without people needing to complete time-consuming and tiring manual tasks.”

Sean Chaudhary

Founder and CEO of AlchemyLeads

How AlchemyLeads improved lead outreach with Zapier

Discover how they automated processes to:     

  • Reduce administrative tasks
  • Generate more leads 
  • Increase revenue
  • And more

Less busywork, more time to grow

  • Minimize administrative tasks: Automatically add leads to your CRM (or any other tool) and get back time to focus on more strategic work—like personalized sales pitches. 
  • Streamline lead lifecycles: Automatically move leads through several steps of your funnel in one workflow with multi-step Zaps.
lead management automation

Move at the speed of automation

  • Ensure quick follow-up: Increase your chance of a sale by instantly following up with new leads. 
  • Personalize lead funnels: Map out different lead journeys with Paths by Zapier. That way, leads get tailored messages right away.
sales automation

Say hello to accurate lead information

  • Increase data confidence: Automate lead entry (and updates) so you can spend less time validating information and more time acting on it. 
  • Set customized Zap rules: Decide how and when data is shared with Filters by Zapier—so the right information gets to the right person (or tool).
customized zaps

Zapier resources for lead management

Work smarter with automation. Discover ways to streamline your lead management so you can focus on your most valuable tasks.

6 ways automation can help you nurture and manage leads

How to automate your lead management

A plan to fit your needs (and budget)

Free forever

Just getting started? Explore basic Zapier features for free.


Ready to level up? Unlock powerful features with a Professional plan.

Teams & Companies

Want advanced security and collaboration features? Check out our enterprise plans.